How Job Hopping Can Impact Your Investment Strategy

Americans are changing jobs more quickly than they have ever. Based on The Harvard Business Review, the average monthly rate of resignation is on the rise since 2009, and the trend culminated in 2021, the ” Great Resignation” 2021. This is having an impact on the way that professionals think about their investment strategies.

For the American working population, the prospect of a new position can offer higher wages or a better culture. But it also impacts your investment plan. In this article Ty Young, the director at Ty J. Young Wealth Management explains the information you need to know about how your job changes affect your retirement plans.

How Changing Jobs Impacts Your Investment Plans

When you change jobs, you may have to change your retirement plans, including the 401(k). 401(k).

Ty Young explains that “when you contribute to the 401(k) (or retirement) plan there’s typically a matching contribution and that match is usually dependent on a vesting schedule. That means when you exit a company it could mean you are taking a part of the match with the previous company.”

If you make a mistake in timing and you miss losing one of the benefits you’ve earned. However, as Young states, “it’s not a reason to be hesitant to seek an opportunity to get a better and more lucrative job. It’s merely a factor you need to take note of.”

The Hidden Costs of Job-Hopping

Change of jobs can be a good thing however, there is also the potential for dangers. One of them is that you’re making the assumption that your new job is the one you’d like to be able to settle on.

According to Ty Young explains, “If you work hop around enough times…at the time it may be impossible to find another place to move to in the event that the situation doesn’t go according to plan. This could result in unemployed times that will likely adversely affect a long-term savings plan.”

The process of job hunting could cause a deadlock that can also impact the frequency and amount of your investment.

At the very least, it restricts your ability to build wealth over the course of time. At worst, being unemployed or underemployed could deprive you of the benefits you’d receive from your employer’s match 401(k) and other benefits for retirement.

What to Know Before Changing Jobs

Are you contemplating changing your job? These considerations aren’t intended to deter you from making a change, but to help you think about it while you are doing it. Here are some suggestions for people who are considering changing jobs.

1. Keep Your Retirement Accounts Together

Ty Young observes that “when people change jobs, they take away their 401(k)s at the previous employer. This could be an error. The most effective course of action for most people is to convert the old 401(k)s into a self-directed IRA and invest in line with your investment goals.”

This strategy is sensible. If you have frequent shifts in your job, you’ll find several small 401(k) plans. These individual plans won’t help you build wealth in the same way as a centralized IRA could. Keep your retirement accounts in one place.

2. Get the Timing Right

Are you able to have your company match retirement savings? If so, ensure that you stay with your current position so that you can get the benefits of this benefit. In the event that you do not, you could be losing a significant benefit.

3. Avoid Jumping Too Often

The grass always grows greener on the opposite side of the fence According to the old saying. Before you make a big career change, ensure that your new position is a perfect fit. In the event that it is not, you may end up making a decision you regret, one that will have lasting financial consequences on your family and you.

Make Your Retirement Count

Ty J. Young is dedicated to helping investors achieve their full potential, regardless of whether your objectives are retiring or a strategy for investing that is more immediate. If you’re interested in developing an effective investment strategy get in touch with Ty J. Young today. Ty J. Young today.